Sunday, December 04, 2011

Morning Light

Morning Light, originally uploaded by M. Rosenberg.

Via Flickr:
This field is right off of a busy roadway that I take every morning to drop my daughter off for daycare. I just noticed how the sun hits the wheat/grain/whatever at 8 am every morning. Took this shot with my iPhone 4s while sitting in the car at the light. Now my plan is to get out there with my real camera one weekend morning to take a proper shot. This will have to do for now. Also, that wire won't be there in the next one. Still, I think it's a cool shot. The iPhone 4s can do so much.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Downtown, originally uploaded by M. Rosenberg.

I've been to New York City quite a bit, but I've never been to the top of the Empire State Building. Well, now I have. This is the view south from the lower of the two observation levels, the 84th floor. Taken with my 10-22mm lens at 10mm.