Sunday, July 31, 2011


Downtown, originally uploaded by M. Rosenberg.

I've been to New York City quite a bit, but I've never been to the top of the Empire State Building. Well, now I have. This is the view south from the lower of the two observation levels, the 84th floor. Taken with my 10-22mm lens at 10mm.


Lynette said...

views like that of the city always make me say "oh, I'm so glad I don't have to live there!" Imagine never seeing nature?

wheatgerm said...

what a view

dailyD'er said...

Hi, I am new to blogger and I happen to come across your blog. I think your photos show a lot of your spirit and passion. And I think that applies to many people and they have different views of good photography but what I think is quite important is perfecting your weak points. You can start by trying to take photos of things you find difficult.I hope I helped