Friday, September 11, 2009

Lightning Crashes

Lightning Crashes, originally uploaded by M. Rosenberg.

The second night we were in Jamaica, there was an awesome lightning storm out over the Caribbean. Of course, me being in Jamaica at an all inclusive resort, and it being 10pm, instead of a camera in one hand and a tripod in the other, I had a drink in one hand and another drink in the other.

Luckily, I had my camera nearby, and I was able to use the wide railing as a tripod. I sort of wish I was able to set up with a tripod closer to the water so I wouldn't have the chairs in the foreground, but I can't be too upset seeing as how the drinking was going well.

Anyway, this was my first time ever shooting lightning. Came out pretty good I think. Didn't do much processing at all here other than lower the hue of some yellows and oranges. The sky actually was that purple. Single exposure raw, 30 seconds I believe.

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