Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Satan's All Around Us

As many of you no doubt know (or know doubt no), some people claim that certain songs played backwords reveal satanic messges (or other, non-satanic messages). I've always heard such things, but have always been too lazy to actually do any research into said matters. Perhaps you've felt the same. Well, NegativeMode is here to fix it for you.

Thanks to Mr. Eric McNett, I've come across Jeff Milner's Backmasking Site. Jeff has taken songs that are rumored to contain messages when played backwards, played them and recorded them backwards, and posted them on the internet (which, of course, is what you do with such things). Stairway to Heaven is there, as are some others, but personally, I think "Hit Me Baby One More Time", by Britney Spears, is the best when played backwards. He has both forwards and backwards lyrics in case you can't decipher the lyrics (or supposed lyrics). Interesting and amusing, and I'm sure it will help you kill at least 10 minutes in your otherwise boring work day. . . .


Anonymous said...

I did not know Eric was training to be a cage fighter.

Anonymous said...

I though that Stairway to Heaven was extremely alarming. It sounded as though the band actually meant it to sound bad played backwards, I could understand the words even without the lyrics.

NegativeMode said...

Agreed about Stairway to Heaven, but that wasn't as shocking to me as Britney's was. I thought hers sounded clear as day and the message was pretty funny. Good stuff.