Sunday, July 31, 2005

Fear Not, NegativeMode Lives....

As you can tell, I've not posted in about a week, which is way longer than I generally try to go between postings, as I know I have to entertain you all (or at least make a good faith effort to entertain). Well, I'm back. I've survived one of the worst three days of my life and I'm here to blog about it (that is an incredibly lame sentence to write, and I have a feeling that it sounds much lamer reading it. Oh well). Anyway, this post isn't really meant to entertain, but rather to preview an exciting new phase in NegativeMode.

Starting Tuesday, August 2nd, NegativeMode will become a travel log/blog (trog?). NevativeMode and PositiveMode are joining together to TravelMode (that's a noun) for the month of August, and the hijinks that are sure to ensure will be documented on these very pages. Pictures will be included technology permitting.

The first posting should come to you from Reykjavik, Iceland, followed by Scotland, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Prague, Vienna, and finally, Munich. The trip should be absolutely amazing, and I look forward to sharing all of it with you. See you in Iceland. . . .


Anonymous said...

dumbass you will be gone for august.

NegativeMode said...

good point. fixed.

NegativeMode said...

Fantastic! I've been looking for a natural way to enlarge my penis. Staring at pictures of naked women just doesn't do it for me any more. What do you think the largest I could go would be? 2-3 feet? Please let me know. Thanks.