Tuesday, June 21, 2005

About Me

I really like hard-boiled eggs. I try and eat two a day. More is better, but then I run out and have to make more. Neverending process....

Here is a link that will teach you how to cook perfect hard-boiled eggs. Personally, I think the only way to go is with a dedicated egg-cooker. This one is clearly superior to all other egg cookers because it is shaped like a chicken.


Anonymous said...

Rosenberg eh?

Youre for sure jewish

- torontonian jew

NegativeMode said...

Do the eggs have anything do to with being Jewish?

All these years I just thought I liked hard-boiled eggs, now I find out that it's genetics....

simply not edible said...

Nice chicken.

NegativeMode said...

I just deleted a comment someone posted in order to advertise for some crappy product. It consisted of 4 links all to the same webpage promising to get rich quick.

Up until this point, I have taken a strong stance against removing any comments that people have posted in the interest of promoting free speech and dissemination of different view-points, but I am not going to subject my readers to random advertising for junk. Also, if anyone is going to profit off of this website, it will be me (and that doesn't look too foreseeable).

However, I am flattered that someone decided that NegativeMode is popular enough to advertise their crappy wares on. It makes me feel better about myself (not that I felt bad in the first place).

That is all.

NegativeMode said...

Ah Brownbear, you always thought you just liked chicken....