Wednesday, April 27, 2005

My How Things Have Changed...

As yet another example of how things have changed in the scant eight years since I have graduated from high school (see also my comments on "ass clevage"), the BBC today reported on a growing trend among British high school students of engaging in "daisy chaining." (Immediate and important side note: in this article, "daisy chaining" is used to refer to group sex. Now, maybe I'm a bit more perverse than some (certainly not DJ Skuggs), or Americans in general are more crass than the Brits, but I had always been under the impression that a "daisy chain" was a very specific form of group sex (if you're curious as to what, check out UrbanDictionary's definition. NegativeMode will not delve that far into depravity ... yet). This article does not refer to that specific kind of group activity, so rid your filthy head of it right now.) The BBC reports that:
Nurses warn daisy-chaining, where acts are performed with multiple partners, puts teenagers' health at risk. . . . As we understand it, it involves groups of older teenagers going round to each other's homes and having sex in a similar way as swinging. It is very new and is only just starting to be talked about.
Well, it must be new, because not all too long ago I was an older teenager, and the only "going round to each other's homes" was to try and find some alcohol stashed in various liquor cabinets. I can assure you, dear reader, that I neither saw, nor was aware of, any swingin' goin' on. I guess I really missed the boat on that one.

The article also reports that teenagers can sell sexual favors. Now, I don't know anything about selling, but I've been trying to give away sexual favors for years, and let me tell you, takers are few and far between. More importantly, why hasn't this behavior caught on in law school yet? About the most lacivious thing I've seen in the past three years is a heated discussion of the dormant commerce clause. I can just see the headline in 2015: MPRE Scores Down as Law Students Increasingly Engage in Group Sex. What a difference ten years makes. . . .


NegativeMode said...

For those who aren't aware (which I believe is everyone), Optimus Crime has his own blog. He is a "mode" watchdog, as it were, keeping an eye on both NegativeMode and PositiveMode. In ModeWatch's own words, "despite the rank impossibilty of remaining impartial, I will remain entirely objectively non-biased. In a sea of uncertainty, modewatch will most certainly be the steady pillar, or other inapposite metaphors indicating objectiveness. Yes, this blog will be the land of milk and honey, free of the mainstream and sidestream media."

Help ModeWatch keep an eye on us here.

Anonymous said...

a general blog question: is it possible to create the links such that they open a new window rather than directing the reader away from the blog?

NegativeMode said...

Good question, I'll look into that. I'm sure it's possible, but it may be beyond my web-authoring capabilities at this point. In order to appease my readers, I shall look into this (if I can't do it, I blame it on Blogger).

NegativeMode said...

Should be fixed now DJ Skuggs. It was a good suggestion that adds to the readability of NegativeMode. Grassy ass.

Anonymous said...

Didn't run across any daisy-chaining at my school in ATL...

I don't know about you people, but I didn't even KNOW if any of my friends were having sex in highschool, much less asking to join them.

NegativeMode said...

Another good point Circe. I think I knew about most of my good friends in high school, although my friends are pretty shady people. I'm still pretty sure that anything going on in high school was pretty mundane. Group-sex isn't supposed to be taught until college....

Anonymous said...

Joke: Why do Southern ladies not engage in group sex?

Anonymous said...

Too many thank you notes to write.

Anonymous said...

when i was 12, i met a 13-year-old guy at summer camp (i believe he was from maryland) who claimed that he and his friends would play sex games. however, he also said that they would go down on girls using peanut butter and jelly. at the time it seemed credible, but today... not so much. i suppose it's possible, but, at the very least, i can't imagine a girl going for that more than once.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that parents send their kids off to summer camp?

I have never even HEARD of some of the sex acts that I heard about at well as how to make moonshine and pass it around during school in a listerine bottle. (I think I went to camp with rednecks...)

PB&J? I..I..I just can't even comment...if there are girls out there that are willing to have fun with that sticky mess, then I don't want to meet them...think smell, think messy sheets, think...uh ew...

Food+Sex is so 1998.